Program: Re-Solarization | LPM Live Performers Meeting

LPM Live Performers Meeting 2023 Münster
Edition XXIV April 13th - 16th 2023 | Münster
Audio Visual Performing Artists Meeting
April, 13th 2023, 3:00 pm | April, 16th 2023, 2:00 am
April 13 - 16, 2023
Bennohaus, Münster Germany, Münster, Germany
Re-Solarization MAIN IMAGE


AV Performance

Duration: 20 min.

Saturday, 15 April 2023 | 00:00 > 00:20 | Stage 1 Night

The principle of our ecosystem was born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun.

At the beginning of the earth's birth, atmosphere contained a lot of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and was high Temperature.

After that, over hundreds of millions of years, earth's surface cooled, and the water vapor turned into rain and fell on the earth's surface, forming the sea.

About 4 billion years ago, plants were born in the sea.

Long after that, our human civilization formed urban.

The development of human science and technology, which we call artifacts, affects our view of the universe.

Today, we imagine a different universe and civilization from 100 years ago.

The shape of flowers is reproduced with an algorithm, and the images and music are generated by artificial intelligence simulation.

Flowers are part of the Earth's ecosystem of solar origin and are able to absorb matter expelled by humans and work as part of their ecology.

In flowers we see in cities, there are traces of human and cosmic history in the background.

A.I. transforms flowers into painting techniques from a certain era in the past.

A variety of musical styles from the past to the present generated like "0 to 100% Density music" include Hyper Serial Music.
