Program: Beat goes to 8 bit | LPM Live Performers Meeting

LPM Live Performers Meeting 2009 Rome
MAY 28th 31st 2009 Brancaleone Rome, Italy
Audio Visual Performing Artists Meeting
May, 31st 2009, 10:59 am |
May 28 - 31, 2009
Brancaleone, Rome Italy, Rome, Italy
Beat goes to 8  bit MAIN IMAGE

Beat goes to 8 bit

AV Performance

Duration: 25 min.

Friday, 29 May 2009 | 22:00 > 22:00 | VisualArena

It's the interactive result in melting 8bit music and visuals. Performed by vjklat and polosid, from catania.

Polosid by their autobuilt midi interfaces, create the sound and vjklat interacting with those frequencies with 8 bit style visuals.
