Artists: Massa Interna | LPM Live Performers Meeting

LPM Live Performers Meeting 2015 Rome
Edition XVI May 18th - 31st 2015 | Rome
Audio Visual Performing Artists Meeting
January, 23rd 2015, 9:48 am | June, 1st 2015, 2:00 am
May 28 - 31, 2015
Cinema Aquila, Rome Italy, Sapienza University, Rome Italy, Rome, Palazzo Chigi, Formello Italy, Formello, Italy

Massa Interna

Massa Interna

Italy Bologna

Italy, Bologna
I’m an Italian interaction designer and creative coder.

My professional and research bio and career starts as print and DTP expert.

After an experience as Art Director in the ADV market now I’m focused on COMPUTATIONAL & INTERACTION DESIGN, UX/UI RESEARCHES (both in web and exhibit design fields) and PHYSICAL COMPUTING.

My approach towards design aim to simplification of interaction processes between users and technology, in an attempt of finding the best creative, eye catching, stylish solution which can be, at the same time, the more user friendly, scalable, maintainable as possible.

From an aesthetic point of view I’m attracted by expressive potential of generative software design patterns, community driven data generation and analysis (open data), internet of things, and collaborative design practices.

In my spare time I do research and experiments for my artistic and personal projects, read slavic classics and contemporary literature, swim and practice yoga.



  • Thursday, 28 May 2015