Program: Generative Visuals for iPad using ProcessingJS | LPM Live Performers Meeting

LPM Live Performers Meeting 2013 Rome
Edition XIII May 23rd - 26th 2013 | Rome
Audio Visual Performing Artists Meeting
May, 23rd 2013, 3:00 pm | May, 27th 2013, 4:00 am
May 23 - 26, 2013
Brancaleone, Rome Italy, Rome, Italy
Generative Visuals for iPad using ProcessingJS MAIN IMAGE

Generative Visuals for iPad using ProcessingJS


Duration: an hour

Sunday, 26 May 2013 | 15:00 > 16:00 | Garden workshops

Learn how to build a touch-screen visualizer tool for an iPad or even iPhone, using a combination of Processing for JS, XCODE, and HTML5 to iOS compilers. Programming environment is Mac OSX and XCODE with the Cordova HTML5 compiler. Special consideration will be paid to UX and UI design concepts for touch specific device configurations, using 3rd party libraries such as JQuery Mobile.

Requirements: XCODE, Apache Cordova, Processing, iDevice such as iPad or iPhone


  • visualTouchDemoSm
